Alexander The Great - Iron Maiden

Author: Monsieur Henri /

My son, ask for thyself another kingdom,
For that which I leave is to small for thee.

Near to the East, in a part of ancient Greece,
In an ancient land called Macedonia,
Was born a son to Philip of Macedon,
The legend his name was Alexander.

At the age of nineteen, he became the Macedon king,
And swore to free all of Asia Minor,
By the Aegian Sea in 334 BC,
He utterly beat the armies of Persia.

Alexander the Great,
His name struck fear into hearts of men,
Alexander the Great,
Became a legend 'mongst mortal men.

King Darius the third, Defeated fled Persia,
The Scythians fell by the river Jaxartes,
Then Egypt fell to the Macedon king as well,
And he founded the city called Alexandria.

By the Tigris river, he met King Darius again,
And crushed him again in the battle of Arbela,
Entering Babylon and Susa, treasures he found,
Took Persepolis, the capital of Persia.

Alexander the Great,
His name struck fear into hearts of men,
Alexander the Great,
Became a god amongst mortal men.

A Phrygian King had bound a chariot yoke,
And Alexander cut the "Gordion knot",
And legend said that who untied the knot,
He would become the master of Asia.

Helonism he spread far and wide,
The Macedonian learned mind,
Their culture was a western way of life,
He paved the way for Christianity.

Marching on, Marching on.

The battle weary marching side by side,
Alexander's army line by line,
They wouldn't follow him to India,
Tired of the combat, pain and the glory.

Alexander the Great,
His name struck fear into hearts of men,
Alexander the Great,
He died of fever in Babylon.

3 commenti:

Avatar ha detto...

Ok, non sono un fan degli Iron come lo sono in molti miei amici. Ho una grande ammirazione per il loro modo di fare musica in ogni caso :) genuino e spontaneo

In compenso mio padre è un grande fan di Alessandro Magno, gli farei ascoltare questa canzone, se non fosse che non capisce una parola d'inglese.

Ho guardato qualche video su youtube a questo indirizzo
dove nei commenti si discute (oddio, si tenta di discutere) sull'origine di Alessandro Magno
Se ti interessa, dai un'occhiata ;)

Anonimo ha detto...

uao! splendida canzone!! da quando sei anche appassionata degli iron maiden?

Anonimo ha detto...

Navigavo per caso e ho notato questa pagina ineterssante! Sono una grande fun degli Iron Maiden,non perché sia una metal sfegatata,ma semplicemente perché adoro il loro modo di fare musica e la loro capacità di spaziare con i temi delle canzoni: dalla storia alla guerra all'amore! Sono versatili insomma! E tra l'altro le loro canzoni mettono una carica pazzesca... Consiglio a tutti di ascoltarli! E comunque bella canzone...Bel post...A presto..